Saturday 27 November 2010

Christmassy Portraits with Amelie

North East Wedding and Portrait Photography

Portrait sessions with small children are so much fun - even for a grizzled old veteran like me!  I've shot so many in and around the North East over the years - my work has taken me all over Sunderland, Newcastle and Durham.  Kids are just lovely to work with - totally unpredictable.  It's why I almost always try to put aside at least an hour - a child can be screaming for Britain one minute, and taking a huge interest in a soapy bubble the next, all smiles and rosy cheeks!

So yesterday's was one of my favourite portrait shoots of the year.  Amelie was truly a joy to photograph - a couple of tantrums, but nothing serious and she more than made up for it by posing like a pro!

The photo above wasn't quite what we were looking for - the hope was that Amelie would wear her angel-wings and angelically sniff the roses - as you can see, she preferred to throw the roses on the ground - still works very well I think, and doesn't look at all posed (due to the fact that children won't pose unless they choose to!).  She did hold it out for me to look at though.....

We had an interesting time with a santa stocking full of shiny, red Christmas tree baubles.   Amelie was so taken with them that at least one bauble had to be present in every shot thereafter.  Photoshop's clone tool is our friend when it comes to shiny, red baubles.

Yay!  Christmassy stuff!!

The next few shots were an absolute hoot - Amelie's mum and dad brought out this fantastic little play tent which normally hangs over her bed - perhaps seeing it in an unexpected place caught her interest.  She certainly seemed happy to play with the netting for a good few shots.

 So, thankyou Amelie (and mum and dad!) for making my job an easy and pleasant one.

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